The form package is a utility for generating html forms. A form object command saves the programmer from typing the cumbersome html code of input elements, working out a solution for better standardization and readability of the code. form requires that only the minimum necessary to distinguish the element is typed, greatly simplyfing the development of forms. Options to the command are treated as a list of parameter-value pairs that become the defaults for the corresponding attributes of the form.
A form object has specialized menthods to generate all of the standard input fields, i.e. text, password, hidden, generic button, submit or reset buttons and image. form creates select input fields, radiobutton and checkbox boolean options groups. Also new inputs introduced with HTML5 are supported: color, date, datetime, datetime-local, email, file, month, number, range, search, tel, time, url, week.
Other input elements can be generated using the general purpose 'field' method.